Our newest 6 month add-on is becoming a favorite for us! This add-on captures your little one at around 6-8 months eating food for the first time on their own. It's messy and pretty stinkin' adorable! If you're a mom already, you know how entertaining it is to watch them trying to feed themselves. They are fumbling for the spoon and aiming for their mouth but instead it's ending up on their face and all over everything! But, that's the reality of a 6 month old. They are learning how to do things on their own and they're simply a handful when it comes to eating. It's almost better to just leave their clothes off when they are about to eat. It will all end up destroyed anyway!
It's a great milestone to capture and hang as you will remember this messy time for years to come! And one day, you'll miss it, even if you think in the moment that you never will. Trust me, you'll think back and your heart will ache a little remembering how innocent they were and how dependent they were on their mama!
This is Kyngsten's Learn to Eat. As you can see, we take a bunch of photos as he eats and string them together in a timeline. We call it a storyboard as it kind of tells the story without you having to scroll or flip through multiple images. Look how clean he was when he started out! Start to finish this probably only took about 10 mins. It didn't take him long to be covered in food!

This add-on is an additional $200. If you would like, we also offer professional printing and framing for an additional fee! You can make this add-on an heirloom to hand down to your little ones that they can hang in their kitchen someday! In addition to the storyboard image, you receive each individual image in the photo!
We not only give the option to print and frame this, we highly recommend that you do! It seriously is the perfect kitchen decor. We don't ever want to make anyone feel obligated to buy prints however, Marggie knows that she regrets not doing this with her kids and wishes she had one hanging in her kitchen!
It's so hard to wait for the results of our learn to eat shoots! The storyboard comes with the full gallery and it's almost torture to wait because you know it will turn out amazing! It's an add-on that's impossible to regret!
