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Writer's pictureBennyAni Photography

Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams

Daily goal quotes to manifestation

Abundance, harmony, joy, balance, peace, the feeling of pure bliss…

How do we attract a life full of these emotions?

I have done lots of soul searching in my short 23 years and have found some powerful insight. Is it a bunch of mumbo jumbo? Maybe, but there's quite a bit of explanation to back this mainstream theory of manifestation.

The law of attraction is a beautiful thing that doesn't relate to what you believe, it's just happening around you, and to you! It's one of those fundamental laws of the universe (just like gravity) that you cannot deny. Everything in the universe consists of energy and atoms that are constantly in motion and vibrating at their own frequency. The amazing thing is that these vibrations can attract similar vibrations.

There is a lot of scientific explanation for all of this that goes deep into molecules, atoms, protons, and neutrons, but the thought of science gives me flashbacks to a lot of stress so instead allow me to give you my simplified explanation.

“You can have what you say”

My mom would always say to me when I was complaining too much. Although this phrase slightly haunted me at the time, I'm incredibly grateful that this is a core value I grew up with.

I am saying it loud and proud. My mother was right.

The vibrations you emit are the vibrations you will receive. This doesn't mean you can just ask the universe for what you want and believe you will get it. No, no no.

You have to put your desires in action and believe that your hard work will pay off. You must take the proper steps and continue to work for what you want. That is what we call manifesting.

When I'm feeling stagnant with my manifestations, I always resort to methods of self care that help balance my frequencies. The methods of self care I prefer are

Being active, reading a good book, meditating with some crystals, journaling and reflecting.

The more in tune you are with your energy, the more you can attract.

I bet you're wondering why I am going off about the universe right now. Well, Marggie and I have been working hard to make sure that Bennyani is a vibe that people resonate with. Our goal is to show our clients that we have a passion for this art! Why? Because there is power to pictures, they evoke memories and stories to share with others. Our images have a timeless look because we value the stories they will someday tell. Ani (Marggies 8yr old) always asks “what was I like when I was…”

She has so many pictures to tell her every story she could ever imagine. This is our goal for you.

I have a few images from when I was a kid, unfortunately they are all stuck together in a frame in my mothers basement because we didn't invest in quality. We stuck all of the loose prints inside of one cheap frame and somewhere along the lines it was damaged. Although I was unable to recover my own childhood images, I pulled quite a few pictures when I was at my grandpa's house! Here is my inspo board for this month with tons of pictures of my family members growing up.

Inspo board collage of relatives

It's so important to have pictures of your relatives, that is your DNA, where you come from, literally parts of YOU are in those pictures. When I look at this board I think... My grandparents were a couple of baddies. They used to travel to Saudi Arabia and build hospitals, my uncle was actually born there, so sick. In one picture, my grandma is in a full on pant suit, towering over the other women in dresses at some gathering. Baddie vibes for sure. I love looking at all these pictures and thinking, I have pieces of them in me. My dad was a taxi driver for a while-great with directions. I refuse to believe that I am directionally challenged for this very reason. There are some super artsy pictures of his crashed taxi and it reminds me of all the crazy stories he would tell me about driving people around. I love pictures, they are truly worth a thousand words.

We can't thank you enough for giving us the opportunity to have a job we love, we are so lucky! We go to work and create art for families to cherish for lifetimes. We print these images for you to pass down for GENERATIONS knowing that quality is our main focus and you wont have to be heartbroken when they are all stuck together and cannot be replaced.

Good vibes decor

Thank you again from the bottom of our heart, for giving us the opportunity to do what we love and continuously bringing us new families to freeze precious moments for. We are living blissfully.

Check out some of the updates on our website and social media!

Instagram: @bennyani_photography

Facebook: BennyAni Photography

Talk to you all again soon!



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