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Season of Growth


Spring is one of my favorite seasons, it’s the symbol of growth, rebirth and new beginnings. In a creative field, like photography and social media, you always have to continue growing.

Margie always says “the minute you stop learning, is the minute you fail”…. Now that is amazing. I love working with an amazing human, mother, business woman and wifey like Margie! Not to get sappy here but I truly look up to her in many ways. I've said this many times but It’s an honor to be a part of BennyAni Photography. I personally have been growing in many ways already this season. I am moving into a bigger home next week! Technically it's a townhouse but a townhouse is a version of a home :) Me, my boyfriend and our whacky cat are so excited for new beginnings in a new home!

Marggie and her family got a new kitty! Allow me to melt your heart with this adorable new beginning for the Duncans!

"It’s been a rough few weeks. It started with me having a major surgery, followed by having to put our 10 year old lab down, followed by having to put our cat down. *sigh*. Needless to say, I’m a tiny bit behind in my edits. Thank you all for your patience. Today is a happy day though. Meet Phoebe!! She’s our newest addition. And of course I did a newborn session with her! Also, for all you FRIENDS fans….

That’s… P as in Phoebe H as in Hebe O as in Obe E as in Ebe B as in Bebe and E as in, “Ello there Mate’!”

AKA, Princess Consuela Banana Hammock, AKA, Smelly Cat. And, if for some small reason if she turns out to be a boy, Phoebo! (she’s definitely a girl). This was all Aniston. I couldn’t be more proud. If you’re reading this thinking I’m nuts, well you might be right, but you’re also clearly NOT a FRIENDS fan!"

You can find this post on our Facebook page :)

How are you growing this season? Any new beginnings for you?

We’ve been working on lots of fun projects behind the scenes, one of which is our new family page on our website! We often get asked if we do family photos, OF COURSE! Go check out the Family gallery and investment page for more info!

We are diving deep into lifestyle photography! We try to change up the sets with new decor when we can, since we love it so much. Marggie was inspired to make a boho garland with pampas and droopy flowers. It took so much longer than I anticipated, crafting is also engineering sometimes :)

Heres how it started...

DIY boho floral garland

Heres how its going...

DIY boho pompas garland

If you look closely in the picture, you will also see a cute new headboard. We used some old bamboo shoots and staple gunned them to a piece of wood! I think we should try it with the plain wall so you can see it better!

Lastly some fun floral pieces. I had to get in touch with my moms lady friends to get a Costco size pack of empty Prosecco bottles. No judgement here, girls just wanna have fun. right?

Wine bottle vase

These are seriously so cute

What do you guys think about this new decor?

Hope you guys are enjoying this beautiful weather with your families! Check out our social media for new designs and sneak peeks! Let us know what you think of the new family gallery, is your family there?

Instagram: @Bennyani_photography

Facebook: BennyAni Photography

Love you all!!

xoxo Marki

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